But when you take a look at it, you'll understand that the name is a funny bonus, because though it truly is a wonder, it bears absolutely no resemblance at all to that other Wonder Bread.
thing that makes me a little sad about bread is how it's gotten a bad
rap over the past five or six years.
Sigh...so many bread haters out
there...for various reasons, of course. Some, most legitimately need
to stay away from bread for health reasons, but others, “the
lemmings”, let's call them, just follow whatever the current food
fad. Paleo, gluten-free, all-kale, juicing, etc...you know
them...and they've proclaimed bread to be “bad”.
first off, let me say that I LOVE bread, but in
a very finicky, highly selective way. You see, there is so much bread
out there in the world that should be ignored and bypassed.
The strange and spongy “french” bread (really? French??)
I see at my parents' local grocery in the Midwest. The stale pita
that tastes like cardboard you get along with a salad at the airport.
Sad dinner rolls deposited on your table in many ho-hum
restaurants. These are the times you should ignore bread.
the bread here in San Francisco?
has ruined me so that I've become an insufferable bread snob.
thing you should know about San Francisco is that it feels like the
very epicenter of a bread making renaissance. I remember first
moving here almost seven years ago and being introduced to AcmeBread. (Cue
the hallelujah chorus.)
baguettes (both sweet and sour) and their pain au levain tasted like
the real deal you find in France. I even loved the story of how
Acme came to be. The founder had been a busboy at the legendary ChezPanisse, and became obsessed with breadmaking after a trip to Europe.
His bread project was serious and he experimented and refined his
technique in the back of the restaurant's kitchen. People must have
loved what he was doing because he eventually took over supplying the
restaurant with his bread when their regular supplier couldn't meet
demand. He was eventually encouraged (nudged) to head out on his own
when his operation grew too large for the restaurant's kitchens. Now
there is Acme bread in almost every SF area grocery store (applause!)
and my favorite location: a small storefront in Berkeley at the main
bakery, where there is a perpetual queue of bread lovers (carbs?!
Bring 'em I say!). I typically grow giddy with indecision when I reach the front of the line
there and am standing in front of an array of Acme's breads and
delectable baked goods.
more amazing bread in this town than you can shake a stick at, but I
don't want to shake a stick at any of it...I just want to slather it
with butter and eat it. And by the way, there is not much that's
better than a slice of a beautifully made loaf of bread spread with
some nice butter.
are intensely handsome loaves of bread baked by Chad Robertson of
Tartine Bakery.
Tartine's breads come out of the ovens in late
afternoon because that accommodates the baker's surfing schedule
(bravo!) but also happen to work perfectly with the
idea that you pick one up on your way home from work and enjoy with
your dinner. I've always wondered why one of the food magazines
hasn't picked up on the success of People magazine's Sexiest ManAlive, or Most Beautiful Woman series with a version that selects a
cover bread named Most Gorgeous Bread! each year because if they did,
I would immediately nominate Tartine's Country Bread.
humble in the looks department, yet splendid in its own way is the
house bread at Outerlands, a restaurant in the outer Sunset
neighborhood of San Francisco. Order their grilled cheese made with
the house bread and you have achieved bread-lover nirvana. The house
loaf has more the look and shape of a sandwich bread and incredible
flavor. Word to the wise, ask if they have extra and take a loaf
home for yourself. (Extra bonus: your car will fill with the
delectable aroma of bread.) Toast it up in the morning and see what
all the fuss is about. You're welcome.
speaking of toast, this brings me to Wonder Bread.
can't remember exactly how I first heard about it...maybe in one of the local food blogs I read from time to time?
JoseyBaker (insert obligatory joke about is-that-his-real-name? here, and,
yes, it is.) started out just fiddling around in his kitchen at home
in his spare time, making bread and then giving it to people. The
bread was good. The sourdough starter he was using came from a
friend's grandma or grandpa. How could it not be?
neighbors...they all wanted more. If I remember correctly, he
started a subscription service so people could get his bread on a
regular basis with him delivering his bread, on a bike. (It's a
perfect San Francisco story.) He connected with a local coffee
roaster and they opened up a place where he mills his own flour and makes his incredible loaves...You
can get toast there...coffee, of course...and even pizza on Monday
nights. Note to self as I was reading that article: find your way
to this bread-happy place at some point.
winter, I was wandering the bread aisle at my favorite local,worker-owned, food co-op (power to the people!) I saw they had
started to carry some of his bread. Happy day! Incredible,
artisanal bread available at my go-to market. Life is good. So I
grabbed a loaf of Wonder Bread. Shaped like a sliceable, sandwich
loaf, it smelled “wonder”ful. Yeasty and nutty and
bready...intoxicating, for this bread hound. This is bread with
character, people. It has a gorgeous, dark brown top and it's as far
from a white loaf of the other Wonder Bread as you can imagine.
slice right when you get home is delicious. It's a kind whole wheat,
but the crumb is beautifully fine and dense. Super tasty. But I also encourage you to wait until morning. (I sometimes fall asleep with a
smile on my face because I'm thinking of my morning toast.) Because
that's when you want to cut yourself a nice, thick slice and toast
it. That, my friends, is when the true magic happens. Toasting does
something amazing to this bread and if you sliced it thick enough,
you get this perfect ratio happening: a wonderfully chewy interior
that perfectly balances the warm, crispy, nutty crust.
smart and slather some almond butter on that, and then, maybe a little jam. Take a bite and behold
the wonder.
too can be ruined by good bread. Just don't tell the paleo
crowd...this way there's plenty of bread for us snobs.
* * *
For those not inclined towards almond butter, another idea if you come across some outstanding bread is what I call California toast, and no it's not mushing some avocado on toast, though I do get why you might think that.
California Toast
serves one
one thick cut slice of a tasty sourdough loaf, toasted
(Acme's Walnut Levain is particularly nice here)
a couple spoonfuls of good ricotta
You know what to do.
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